Saturday, 26 July 2014

Instant Raspberry Frozen Yoghurt

Frozen yoghurt shops seemed have popped up all over the place, but none that I've encountered offer vegan frozen yoghurt. I always feel a bit deprived as I walk past them.

Anyway, at least now I can make my own quick version at home!

This is a brilliant snack or dessert that can prepared in about two minutes. This photo (hurriedly taken - it had to be eaten!) doesn't do it justice. It really does have the same texture and taste as soft frozen yoghurt.  

And I'm sure other frozen fruit such as blueberries would work as well. 

PS: If anyone can point me in the direction of vegan frozen yoghurt in Sydney, please do!

Instant Raspberry Frozen Yoghurt (serves 1-2) (inspired by Vegie Head's Strawberry Mousse, which seems to have been removed from the website)

1/4 cup frozen raspberries (approx)
1/2 an avocado
1/2-1 tsp chia seeds
2 tsp coconut cream
2 tbsp maple syrup to taste (or other liquid sweetener)

Blend all ingredients and eat!


  1. sounds interesting - I haven't got into the frozen yoghurt shops - but I love the look of this ingredient list and want to try it - although 2 tsp of coconut cream means I would need to plan what to do with this rest.

    1. I actually made this with some leftover coconut cream, but yes it does seem a shame to open a tin for a few tsp!! ... A good (impractical) use for coconut cream if you're looking for one is chocolate mousse - add cocoa, liquid sweetener :)

  2. Frozen yoghurt may have been my favourite food (if you can call a snack a favourite food!) pre-vegan, so it was one of the last things I stopped having when I gave up dairy. To my incredible delight, one of the soft serve frozen yoghurt places in Perth, a branch of Tutti Frutti, brought in soy frozen yoghurt. Until then, though, I had lots of desserts like this one albeit never quite this mix - it sounds great!

  3. I don't think I ever had it pre-vegan, but it looks so appealing in its swirls!! Hopefully i can find a vegan version here somewhere. It seems so easy to make homemade versions with frozen fruit, though!
